How do I add cycling on RunMotion Coach?
Want to include cycling in your RunMotion Coach training plan?
Here's how you can do it:
To add cycling sessions to your RunMotion Coach training plan, go to your settings. Click on your profile (icon at the bottom right), then click on "Settings" Next, click on "Training Preferences" and then on "My Training Days".

Next, click the small pencil icon in the top right corner and then click "Next".

From there, you can add your cycling sessions (Mountain Biking, Indoor Trainer, Gravel, Road Cycling).
You can choose up to 2 cycling days per week and select between Endurance or Strength (with a maximum of one strength day per week).
Note that the duration of long rides is primarily designed for road cycling.

Adding cycling training is a PREMIUM feature. To explore all the other PREMIUM features, check them out here!
Updated on: 22/01/2025